Sooner or later you will need it

For a long time, I ran away from Vim because it seemed very tricky and because there is a lot of simpler editors out there to work with. However, as it comes installed in most Linux distributions, I made this cheat sheet to help me understand how things work. I have discovered that is possible to be very productive with Vim 😃.

I’ll try to go straight to the point. This cheat sheet is not intended to be a complete guide but it helps to get started.

Vim has different operation modes, and I will not cover all of them in this cheat sheet. I’ll stick with the basic functionality needed to open, edit and save a file.

Let’s begin! To open a file with Vim just type vim filename.
ESC = enter “command mode”

You can use the arrow keys to move the cursor around. There is also special keys to do this:

  • h = Move one character left
  • j = Move one row down
  • k = Move one row up
  • l = Move one character right

The following keys have to be typed in “Command Mode”.

  • i = Insert text in the cursor position
  • I = Insert text at the beginning of the line
  • o = Insert text in the next line
  • O = Insert text in the previous line
  • a = Insert a character after the current
  • A = Insert text at the end of the line
  • r = Replace the character at the current cursor position
  • R = Enter replace mode to replace characters from the current cursor position
  • u = Undo the last action
  • CTRL + r = redo

The following keys have to be typed in “Command Mode”.

  • :w = Save
  • :q = Exit
  • :q! = Force exit (exit without saving)
  • :qa = Exit from all opened files
  • :wq = Save and exit
  • :x = Save and exit
  • ZZ = Save and exit
  • ZQ = Force exit (exit without saving)

The following keys have to be typed in “Command Mode”.

  • yy = Copy line
  • p = Paste content to the below line
  • P = Paste content to the above line
  • yNy = Copy N lines
  • cw = Cut the word starting from the current cursor position
  • dd = Cut or delete a line
  • D = Delete the line starting from the current cursor position
  • dG = Delete the lines starting from the current cursor position to the end of the file
  • dGG = Delete the lines starting from the current cursor position to the beginning of the file
  • dw = Delete the word starting from the current cursor position
  • dNd = Cut or delete N lines
  • x = Delete a character at the current cursor position (similar to “D” key behaviour)
  • X = Delete a character before the current cursor position (similar to “backspace” key behaviour)
  • yw = Copy the word starting from the current cursor position

The following keys have to be typed in “Command Mode”.

  • v = Visual mode that allows selecting a text fragment
  • V = Visual mode that allows selecting an entire line
  • CTRL+v = Visual block that allows selecting a block of text

The following keys have to be typed in “Command Mode”.

  • /pattern = Search forward for a patter
  • ?pattern = Search backward for a pattern
  • n = Pattern forward search
  • N = Pattern backward search
  • gg = Goes to the first line of the file
  • G = Goes to the last line of the file
  • H = Goes to the top of the current screen
  • M = Goes to the middle of the current screen
  • L = Goes to the end of the current screen

The following keys have to be typed in “Command Mode”.

  • :set hlsearch = Enable search highlight
  • :set number = Show line numbers
  • :set tabstop=N = Set the size of TAB to N
  • :set expandtab = Convert TAB in spaces
  • :set bg=dark/light = Change the color scheme
  • :set ignorecase = Makes the search case insensitive
  • :syntax on/off = Enable/disable syntax highlighting
  • :LNs/<tobereplaced>/<replacer>/g = Replaces(s) all(g) <tobereplaced> with <replacer> in the line LN
  • :%s/<tobereplaced>/<replacer>/g = Replaces(s) all(g) <tobereplaced> with <replacer> in the entire file
  • :e filename = Opens “filename”
  • :r filename = Copy the contents of the “filename” to the current file
  • :split filename = Split screen horizontally to show the current file and “filename”
  • :vsplit filename = Split screen vertically to show the current file and “filename”
  • :! command = Runs “command” in shell and show the STDOUT
  • !! command = Runs “command” in shell and paste the STDOUT in the file

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